Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Rain cloud illustration - weather - by Belle Mellor


Introducing BELLE MELLOR - Illustration for the article "The weather may be grim, but let's learn to enjoy it" on The Guardian

Colorful depiction of wind blowing and rain and cats falling from the skies onto people.


Illustration for "The rain of cats." English drawing from the nineteenth century. Image from the French Wikipedia with the Q&A on "What is the origin of the phrase "it’s raining cats and dogs?" 


Introducing GEORGE CRUIKSHANK - "Raining Cats, Dogs, Pitchforks" 
Etching by George Cruikshank. Designed by AE. Original edition 1820, this could be the 2nd (final) edition, 1835. 

This is a RAIN bomb.
If I push the red button TWICE,
the RAIN will be pouring down cats and dogs
day and night, and 
make floods all over the Planet.
Nevertheless, if I would be still on parade,
It means I am ____________________________?


This is an open-ended question.
While in the heavy rain, 
if you continue to parade, not caring about the rain,
you must have the destiny and privilege to be a star. 
If you're interested to see my answer, please visit the webpage below.

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